Tech Tip: The REAL Problem

Since our customers are the most important aspect of our business we really try to listen to them. Unfortunately, we have found that the problem the customer first brings up is usually NEVER the real problem. If a customer knew what was wrong and could diagnose the...

Tech Tip: Response Times from CMS

Some of you have asked about our third party CMS response times. So here they are from the past few years.  2012 Total Telephone Calls:  1,648,680 2012 Total Telephone Calls over 60 second hold:  21 2013 Total Telephone Calls:  1,653,877 2013 Total Telephone Calls...

Tech Tip: CO2 Detectors

A small chemistry lesson: CO2, or Carbon Dioxide is a naturally occurring compound in our atmosphere. It is taken in by plants, who put off O2 (Oxygen) in return. While this gas is not beneficial, it is not harmful to humans or animals in the small naturally occurring...

Tech Tip: 120VAC Smoke interface

After further testing both in the field, and in our shop, it has been determined that the FireFighter device is difficult to test on Zone Type 16. It has also been found that it has its own built-in delay, which may eliminate the need for a 16 vs. a 9. We have...

Safety Tip: Home Automation for Lights

One of the best ways to deter a burglar is to make them think someone is home. What makes a would be intruder think you are home? Lights of course. It would take a pretty bold thief to break into a house that has its lights on. But what if you are not home or on...

Safety Tip: Ladders

What’s the one thing you don’t want to leave just lying around outside? Ladders Be mindful when doing home repairs outside your house. Do not leave any home repair equipment, especially ladders, lying around. When doing any yard or house work, store the...

Tech Tip: Alarmnet Signal Strength Test

  To test the signal level on an AlarmNet radio, our technicians use the alpha-numeric keypad (programmer) to access the radio data as follows: Go into *29       Pres 1* (to indicate you have a GSM) Press 2* (for diagnostics) Press “D” 5 to read the signal...

Safety Tip: Bushes and Trees

Though you may not realize it, overgrown bushes and trees can be an invitation to a burglar. Anything that obstructs a view or that covers up your security system signs is like a field day for a thief. Large, overgrown bushes (especially near a door or window) are...

Safety Tip: Keys and Locks

There can be a lot of loose ends to tie up when you build or buy a new home. One of these are your house keys and locks. While the Realtor may have what he or she claims is the only set of keys to the home, you have no way of knowing this for sure.  You will want to...

Safety Tip: Keep Your Mouth Shut

Why is it we tend to tell everyone we’re going on vacation, a weekend getaway or a business trip? Sure it is fun to “brag” a bit of your upcoming holiday but here’s something to think about.  Any chance you have told your hair stylist or the...
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