The school year is coming to a close, and the summer season is just around the corner. This weekend is the official start of summer with pools opening and many families taking a long weekend trip out of town. During this time of the year is it important to remember and review summer safety tips, especially is you have young children. Read below to review our top safety tips for the summer.

  • Safety While Traveling: If you plan to take a trip this weekend or sometime this summer, it is important to be aware of safety concerns as you’re traveling. Always review stranger danger with your children, especially if you are going to a crowded area where many tourist gather in the summer. Additionally, if your trip includes a long car ride to get to your destination, there are car safety rules to follow. Always give the driver a break, make sure that the driver is free of distractions, put a first aid or emergency kit in your car, and map out your route before you get on the road. Another way to make the travel more enjoyable if you have children is to pack lots of car friendly games and snacks to keep them occupied and happy for the whole trip.
  • Safety at the Pool: Many pools in the Kentuckiana area are opening up for the season on Memorial Day weekend and, if the weather is nice, they will be filled with families getting out to enjoy the sun. If you are taking young kids to the pool with you, make sure they are aware of pool rules before you go. Additionally, decide on a flotation device for your children that they are comfortable with and that you feel confident in as well.
  • Sun Safety: Being out in the sun is hard on your skin and can cause dehydration. If you’re heading to the pool or the beach this summer be sure to pack lots of water and lots of sunscreen. Re-apply sunscreen often and make sure that everyone is staying hydrated out in the sun.

How will you be enjoying this long holiday weekend? Where do you plan to take a trip this summer? Share you favorite summer activities with us in the comments below! 

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