If you have a pre-teen chances are pretty good that they recently received their first smart phone, which ultimately means they will be joining the world of social media. Horror stories of social media bullying and perverts targeting kids through social media have made all parents a bit nervous about this step into the digital world. There are ways to help make the jump to social media saver for your child while easing your mind as well.
Talk to your kids about the dangers of social media and what to do in different situations. Explain to them how important it is not to post any personal information online and not to let people follow you that you don’t know. Kids should have closed accounts so that they can only be followed by approved individuals. Also talk about which social media platforms are appropriate for their age.
When used appropriately, social networks are a great place for young people to demonstrate their creativity and keep in touch with their friends. My preteen requested TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. Therefore, I too created accounts for those platforms so that I can see what she is posting and I can see the comments others are making on her posts. I can also see who is following her and if any of the accounts are from people she doesn’t know I question her about it. You will also want to discuss what is appropriate content for social media as well. This will of course vary depending on your childs’ maturity level.
As much as we’d like to keep them off social media, unfortunately that is just not the world we live in today. Social media can play a huge role in your child’s social inclusion, but it can also be a medium for bullying. This is where monitoring your childs social media important. Whether your child is being bullied or bullying someone else you need to know about it. A software called mSpy allows parents to see what their children are sending on Snapchat, as well as who they’re calling, texting, emailing and where they are. This solution will easy your mind if you are having a hard time with letting your children on social media, but are starting to feel like giving i