Be sure to join us at the BIA Table Top Night next Tuesday!

BIALlogoThe annual event is being held February 10th at the Ramada Plaza Louisville from 4pm to 7:30 pm. Presented by Bonnycastle Appliance and TV, it is billed as our local building industry trade show, it is sure to house the best and latest in the industry. There will be over 100 booths of Associate members showing our stuff. New this year Associate members have a chance to win some money between 5:00 and 7:30 that night.

Hawkeye Security and Electronics will be show casing what we have to offer in the security and audio video industry to all Builders and Remodelors.

We look forward to seeing all our Builder Members there!

Builder members…stop by our booth for a free prize!

Hawkeye Security & Electronics

Hawkeye Security & Electronics

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