Grab your significant other and head out to Homearama at Shakes Run on Thursday, July 17th at 6:30 pm for BIA Young Professionals Night at Homearama. We will meet at the Entertainment Patio, sponsored by Hawkeye Security and Electronics, which is connected to the concessions tent to enjoy live music from “It Takes Two” and special beer tastings by BBC*. While you’re there, walk through the eight beautifully decorated and furnished homes to see your fellow BIA members who have built and supplied materials and products for the homes.
Purchase your discount Member tickets before you come to the event by clicking here. Purchasing tickets early will save you 50%! *Beer tastings are not free; tickets for the beer tastings by BBC will be sold at the concessions tent.
General Show Information:
Homearama 2014 at Shakes Run is open Saturday, July 12th through 27th. The event is open weekdays from 5:00 pm until 9:30 pm; Saturdays from 10:00 am until 9:30 pm; and Sundays 1:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Tickets are $10 per person. Children 12 and under are free with a paid adult. Cash and check are the only acceptable means of payment. Ticket sales end one and a half hours prior to the posted closing times.
Tickets can be purchased onsite at the Homearama entrance. A buy one get one free coupon good on Mondays and Tuesdays is available through the Homearama Facebook page,
Homearama 2014 at Shakes Run is presented by Kroger and LG&E. Official sponsors include River City Bank and RiverCity Flooring. Homearama is locally produced by the Building Industry Association of Greater Louisville, formally the Home Builders Association of Louisville, since 1968. For directions, ticket information, and further details about this year’s homes, visit
Hawkeye Security and Electronics,
Official Security and Entertainment Sponsor for Homearama 2014 at Shakes Run