One question we hear a lot is ” What protects me from a robber breaking a window and robberglassbreakcoming in that way?” An added bonus to our security systems is a glass break sensor. These can be used on windows and/or doors. Our company standard Intellisense FG1625 glass-breakage sensor comes in several varieties:

  • Standard: normal ½” thick; primarily post-construction; good for baseboards, wall-mount, etc…
  • “F”: FLUSH mount – use this for new construction in nail-up boxes in the ceiling
  • “R” ROUND mount – very similar to the standard, but round shaped – ideal for post-construction in-ceiling mount.
  • “RFM” RECESSED FLUSH MOUNT – these are the small sensors that slide into a 1” hole and are capped by a 1.5” round cover. They are the most discrete option available.
  • 5853 wireless sensor is the same as a 1625 standard. In fact, the predecessor 1525 was being adapted to create the 5853 wireless sensor. In the process of making it draw less current to run on batteries, they accidentally made it a better overall sensor. That created the 1625 series.

glass break sensor

Why use “round” devices in ceilings? Because you can’t use a level on a ceiling mounted device to make sure it’s straight. If its round, it can’t be crooked……

The same is true for speakers.


These tech tips are intended to provide insights to small nuances to help with many different products we offer. It is the small attention to detail that separates an outstanding job from an OK one. Although these apply primarily to technicians, they will help others gain insight to what the technicians do – in small doses.

Hawkeye Security & Electronics

Hawkeye Security & Electronics

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