If you get a “Check” on your system, it usually is associated with a zone number on Honeywell systems indicated a trouble condition that needs to be “checked out”.

It can be caused by many things, and it is important to understand for good troubleshooting. Here is a list:

  • Some zone responses will cause a “check” when the zone is violated. For example, a tamper zone or a fire zone that has an open circuit. This includes most zone response types other than typical “burglary zones”: 05, 09, 11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19.
  • In the case of wireless, a cover tamper violation will cause a check.
  • In the case of a supervised wireless (Input type 03), a check will occur if the device goes 12 hours without a check-in signal that normally occurs every 70-90 minutes. This includes incorrectly programming keyfobs of medical pendants that don’t check in as “Supervised RF 03”
  • It is often incorrectly assumed that a low battery on a sensor will cause a check. That is generally not true. A low battery will cause a “BAT” with the zone number. If the low battery is not addressed and the battery eventually dies (after 30-60 days), the dead battery will cause the transmitter to not check in, causing a check. The operator at Monitronics will instruct a customer to change their batteries when they see a check – we know better.
  • If a zone is on a zone-expander (including polling loop), and the expander looses communication with the alarm panel, all zones on the expander go into check.
  • If a hardwired zone has incorrect resistance value, that can cause a check on many panels.
  • If a fire zone goes into alarm, and stays in alarm after the system is disarmed twice (smoke reset occurs), the system will report that as a check.
  • If a device that is connected to the keypad bus stops talking to the panel, or has some other issue, you will see a check on the supervision zone:

o        1xx on a Vista-15p/20p where xx is the device address – 100 for RF receiver, 103 for alarmnet, 108 for a zone expander

o        8xx on a Vista-32.128/250 where xx is the device address – on these panels the 8xx zones have to be manually enabled

o        “other issues” include cover tampers, power loss, Alamnet registration

o        In the case of Alarmnet issues, use an alpha keypad to get the 4-digit hex code to see what the real problem is – refer to the big tech manual.

  • System supervisory zones such as telephone line monitor, siren supervision, ground fault, etc… will report “Check” when the condition occurs.


As a side-note, most check conditions will cause an ALARM signal and siren activation if the system is armed.

Vista-32/128/250 can be programmed to say “TRBL” instead of “CHECK”. We enable this as part of our standard programming.


These tech tips are intended to provide insights to small nuances to help with many different products we offer. It is the small attention to detail that separates an outstanding job from an OK one. Although these apply primarily to technicians, they will help others gain insight to what the technicians do – in small doses.

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