Derby Party Ideas for Kids!

It is the most wonderful time of the year here in Louisville! While you are busy planning your Derby party for your adult friends, why not take a moment to plan some fun things for the kids in attendance at the party as well! Here are some ideas to get you started!...

Easter Brunch Ideas in Louisville, KY

Easter is next weekend! If you are anything like we are you are asking yourself if there is still time to grab a ham from the local ham store and planning a menu at the total last minute! We have an idea for you, let  yourself off the hook this year! Holidays are hard...

Home Automation: Making Your Life Easier

One of the many trend homeowners are getting more and more interested in is home automation. In fact, more than half of respondents to the 2014 State of the Smart Home survey estimated that within the next 10 years home owners will be able to use a single remote to...


With Valentine’s Day tomorrow we wanted to say how much we love and appreciate all our customers. So as a special gift we are giving…   Free Tickets to Louisville Home Show! Come see the latest home improvement trends at the Louisville...

BIAL Table Top Tomorrow Night

Be sure to join us at the BIA Table Top Night tomorrow night. Table Top is one of BIA’s most popular member events The annual event is being held at the Ramada Plaza Louisville from 4pm to 7:30 pm. Presented by Bonnycastle Appliance and TV, it is billed as our...
Hawkeye Security & Electronics

Hawkeye Security & Electronics

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